Well, the kiddos and I scurried home after school, did a quick pick up of the house, tended to all the various animals, as swiftly as could be done, in the pouring rain, threw together and baked a cake, painted a piece of muslin for the center piece of their DADDY quilt, practiced spelling words, decorated the back door with drawings and letter magnets, and made some dinner. The best part is because of the pouring rain, we all got to be home instead of running 1, 000 places for soccer practices. What was on the menu... roasted pork tenderloin, extremely sweet corn, and garlic bread. The cake was lemon with lemon frosting. After dinner we all snuggled in on the couch and watched a movie, The Call of the Wild. The kids seem to enjoy the movie and the bonus was that they got to stay up until 10pm.

just so that everyone understands this drawing...the "F" word Carmen is referring to is the word FORTY...since next year he will be forty.

Lemon Cake with Lemon Frosting!