Very nice. I was just so dazzled with Emilia the first time I looked at yr blog I looked no further. I am always impressed with all you get done. I love the gnome. And Vincent's chick looks swell, it makes me entertain the thought of chickens, for about half a second, I'm just too old and wretched to build anything any more. I'm looking forward to seeing your new arrivals.
cute CUTE and cute!
They are so adorable. Such cute ideas.
Very nice. I was just so dazzled with Emilia the first time I looked at yr blog I looked no further. I am always impressed with all you get done. I love the gnome. And Vincent's chick looks swell, it makes me entertain the thought of chickens, for about half a second, I'm just too old and wretched to build anything any more. I'm looking forward to seeing your new arrivals.
Adorable schtuffs!
cute, happy, colorful things to brighten someone's day. You are so sweet.
Omg is that baby girl the most beautiful girl!!!
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